October Merits
Stella Fonyat
This article was written by Stella Fonyat, Year 8
Merits have arrived! But who collected the most merits this half term? Totally just for fun…
Year 7 - 1st Alex Akidil, 2nd Stefo Stefanov, Ethan Muthaya, Sienna Lee and Olive Bagnal
Year 8 - 1st Josefa Hedrich Bach, 2nd Suhaasi Dubey, 3rd Jessica Motts
Year 9 - 1st Omar Bin Omair Alameeni, 2nd Mansoor Al Muthanna, 3rd Max Benzmueller
Year 10 - 1st Suvannah Yousef, 2nd Thani Alfalasi & Ahmed Almurooshid
Year 11 - 1st Yousef Malhis, 2nd Amaara Gothey, 3rd Esme Walker & Rashid Al Muthanna
Year 12 - = 1st Nujud Al Dawoodi & Sara Hakeen, 2nd Kheloud Younes
Year 13 - 1st Kulsoom Usman, 2nd Yasir Siddiqui 3rd Martina Ruggieri
Thank you - Maybe you’ll be here next month!